Disability Care

At Thanal, our commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for individuals with disabilities drives every aspect of our work. Launched in November 2022, the Thanal Disability Care Project is a beacon of hope and empowerment for those needing specialized care and assistance. Our mission is to provide tailored support that enhances the independence […]
Child Development Center (CDC)

People with disabilities often have limited access to public services, employment, advocacy, and job opportunities. To address this, children with disabilities need guidance and support at various stages of their lives and as early as possible. Families with disabled children may find it difficult to care for them due to inadequate information and lack of […]
Vocational Rehabilitation

Vocational Rehab for Disabled has been launched with a view to creating a society inclusive of persons with disabilities, enabling them to meet job and livelihood requirements. There are no notable projects or development initiatives that address this potential need for livelihood and employ-ability strategies for people with disabilities. We provide training and job placements […]
‘Feed the Needy’

Our ‘Feed the Needy Kitchens’ initiative is a community-driven effort that prepares free, wholesome and nutritious meals for street dwellers in metropolitan cities across India, with the support of civil society. We not only cater to their basic sustenance needs, but also provide psycho-socio support to ensure their welfare and development. Through our holistic approach, […]
Housing & Water

The Housing and Water project focuses on providing safe and secure homes, as well as equitable access to clean drinking water for rural communities in India. The primary objective of this initiative is to promote physical health through access to hygienic facilities, clean drinking water, and improved nutrition. Our efforts aim to mitigate the negative […]
Child & Women Resilience

The Child and Women Resilience Project was initiated with the vision of creating a family-based care model for orphaned children, ensuring they experience love, safety, and a nurturing family environment. Recognizing that the well-being of these children is deeply connected to the strength of their caretakers, we focus on empowering and building the capacities of […]
Rehabilitation Homes

The Rehabilitation Homes operating under DRT are designed as a sanctuary for individuals who are homeless, marginalized, or in vulnerable situations. These homes offer a safe space and essential services to those who have been abandoned or have no means of support, including the elderly, people with disabilities (PwDs), and individuals living with chronic illnesses […]